Day 12: Emailing the world…

If I could, I would spend my days walking every corner of London before covering the width and breadth of the UK – from Land’s End to John o’Groats – and embarking on a trip around the world to find my doppelgänger.

Maybe one day I will. But for now I have to make the most of what I can do alongside other work commitments and keep an eye out in as many areas of the capital and the rest of the UK as I can before I next travel abroad. And in order to consistently conduct my search on an international scale? I have the internet.

Today I spent a lot of time emailing individuals who I think might be able to help me spread the #doyoulooklikeme word. I sent a lot of emails to a lot of people across the UK and in Ireland too and I hope something will come of it. At least if I don’t get anywhere with this lot, I’ve got the rest of the world to contact…

Sophie x